CarSys'16 Paper Accepted
I’m very happy that my paper IEEE 802.11p in Fast Fading Scenarios: From Traces to Comparative Studies of Receive Algorithms was accepted for ACM CarSys’16.
I’m particularly happy, because it covers stuff that I’ve done during my stay at UCLA and because it uses many of the new features of my GNU Radio WiFi transceiver (like the new channel estimation algorithms, for example).
The paper is mainly about trace-driven performance assessment of the IEEE 802.11p PHY using Software Defined Radio. Its abstract reads like:
We present an approach for using signal traces from Field Operational Tests (FOTs) for later evaluations and comparative studies of receive algorithms for the IEEE 802.11p PHY. In particular, we use Software Defined Radios (SDRs) to record the raw signal, i.e., complex baseband samples, from IEEE802.11p transmissions during an experiment on the road. These samples are later used with our GNU Radio- based IEEE 802.11p implementation for studying different receive algorithms – allowing for optimal comparability and repeatability. We exemplarily evaluate four typical algorithms ranging from simple ones currently used in commodity WLAN chips to more sophisticated ones proposed specifically for vehicular applications. We can show that fast fading scenarios lead to a significant packet error rate when using the standard algorithms. For better comparability, we make both our GNU Radio implementation as well as the collected traces publicly available.
Having this paper accepted also means, I again managed to get myself to ACM MobiCom, which is one of my favorite conferences. Last but not least, I will finally get to see New York. Really looking forward!